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Posted by : PuppyMoon di 01.54

 Pengertian Coordinate Conjunction
Coordinate conjunction adalah kata hubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata, frasa , atau klausa . Elemen yang dihubungkan tersebut biasanya bersifat paralel (kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur gramatikal. Kata hubung ini sering digunakan pada compound sentence untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause.

Punctuation (Tanda Baca) pada Coordinate Conjunction
Jika coordinate conjunction digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause di dalam suatu compound sentence, maka tanda baca koma  ditempatkan tepat sebelum kata hubung tersebut.

Contoh Punctuation pada Coordinate Conjunction:
  • I love running and swimming. (antar verb)
  • Rita and I arrived this morning, and we just left 10 minutes ago. (antar independent clause)
Contoh Coordinate ConjunctionContoh kalimat dengan coordinate conjunction (FANBOYS) dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Coordinate ConjunctionKeteranganContoh Kalimat Coordinate Conjunction
for diikuti reason (alasan)He didn’t come last night, for he fell asleep.
(Dia tidak datang semalam, karena dia tertidur.)
and menyatakan hubungan penambahanThe trainees laughed and cried simultaneously.
(Siswa latihan tertawa dan menangis secara bersamaan.)
Vina and Amel wake up at 5:00 am, and they go to school at 6:30 am.
(Vina dan Amel bangun jam 5 pagi dan mereka pergi ke sekolah jam setengah tujuh pagi.)
(tidak juga, dan tidak)
nor sering didahului negative elementShe didn’t answer my call, nor did her friends when I called them last night.
(Dia tidak menjawab telepon saya, tidak juga teman-temannya ketika saya menghubungi semalam.)
(tapi, namun)
but untuk menyatakan pertentanganThe man helped in sincerity, but many people thought negatively about him.
(Pria itu membantu dengan tulus, namun banyak orang berpikir negatif.)
or untuk menyatakan alternatifWhat do you prefer to stay at home or go to the cinema on this weekend?
(Apa yang lebih kamu suka, diam di rumah atau pergi ke bioskop akhir minggu ini?)
(namun, meskipun demikian)
yet untuk menyatakan pertentangan dan semakna “nevertheless” atau “but”The book is thick, yet the text is large.
(Buku itu tebal, tapi tulisannya besar.)
(jadi, oleh karena itu)
so semakna “therefore” dan diikuti result (hasil, konsekuensi)She has lived in London for more than five years, so she can speak English well.
(Dia telah tinggal di London selama lebih dari lima tahun, oleh karena itu dia dapat berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik.)
Yang dimaksud dengan Coordinate Connector adalah AND, BUT, OR, or SO.
Banyak kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari dua klausa ( Klausa adalah kelompok kata yang paling sedikit terdiri dari satu Subject dan satu Verb (Predikat).
Ketika ada dua kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita harus menggabungkannya dengan benar. Saalahs atu cara untuk menggabungkan dua buah kalusa adalah dengan menggunakan AND, BUT, OR, or SO.
  1. The sun was shining and the sky was blue.
  2. The sky was blue, but it was very cold.
  3. It may rain tonight, or it may be clear.
  4. It was raining outside, so I took my umbrella.
  • Keempat kalimat diatas terdiri dari dua klausa dan semuanya di hubungkan dengan sebuah Coordinate Coonector dan sebuah Comma.
Contoh berikut ini akan menunjukan bagaimana Coordinate Connector di Tes di Structure Questions pada TOEFL Test.
I forgot my coat, ____ I got very cold.
(A) then
(B) so
(C) later
(D) as a result
  • Kalimat diatas memiliki dua  buah klausa:  I forgot my coat dan I got very cold. Untuk menghubungkannya, kita harus menggunakan sebuah Coonector. KataThen (A), later (C), dan as a result (D) bukanlah Connector. Jadi jawaban terbaik adalah (B) karena so bisa menghubungkan kedua klausa tersebut dengan benar.
Exercise 5 dibawah ini fokus pada permasalahan Coordinate Connector.  Baca kalimatnya dan tentukan apakah jawabannya Correct (C) atau Incorrect (C).
1. The lawn needs water every day, or it will turn brown. (C)
  • Kedua Klausa diatas sudah benar, begitu juga dengan Coordinate Connectornya.
2. The book was not long, it difficult to read. (I)
  • Klausa kedua tidak memiliki verb (is) dan  Connector.
  • Kalimat yang benar adalah The book was not long, but it is difficult to read.
3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping. (I)
  • Klausa/kalimat kedua tidak memiliki Subject. Tapi sudah memiliki connector, so.
  • Kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah It was raining, so I decided not to go camping.
4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together.(C)
  • Kedua kalimat/klausa sudah benar begitu juga dengan connectornya
5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better.(I)
  • Kedua kalimat/klausa diatas sudah benar, tapi belum ada connectornya.
  • Kalimat yang benar seharusnya adalah The patient took all the medicine, but he did not feel much better.
6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will be turned off. (C)
  • Kedua kalimat/klausa diatas sudah benar, begitu juga dengan connector (so) nya.
7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. (I)
  • Kedua kalimat diatas sudah benar, begitu juga dengan connector (so) nya.
  • Tapi tidak ada koma sebelum so sehingga kalimat diatas salah. Kalimat yang benar seharusnya The furnace broke, so the lounge got quite cold.
8. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed excellent. (I)
  • Kalimat.klausa kedua memiliki double subject, yaitu  the quality dan it. Salah satunya harus di hapus untuk membuat kalimat tersebut benar.
  • Connector (but) sudah benar.
  • Kalimat yang benar seharusnya The dress did not cost too much, but the quality seemed excellent
9. The leaves kept falling off the trees, and the boys kept raking them up, but the yard was still covered. (C)
  • Ketiga klausa/kalimat diatas sudah benar, begitu juga dengan connectornya (and, but)
10. The mail carrier has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow.
  • Ketiga klausa/kalimat diatas sudah benar, tapi connector so salah karena. Seharusnya adalah but.
  • Kalimat yang benar seharusnya The mail carrier has already delivered the mail, butthe letter is not going to arrive today.

Subordinating Connectors connect a dependent clause and an independent clause and establish a relationship between them. They happen at the beginning of a sentences (with a comma in the middle separating the clauses) or in the middle of a sentence with no comma.
So, basically, a subordinate connectors will connect a main clause and a subordinate one. If the main clause comes first in the sentence it won’t be separated from the subordinate clause by a comma. If the subordinate clause comes first, then we will separate the clauses with a comma.
after if though although
if only till as in order that
unless as if now that until
as long as once when as though
rather than whenever because since
where before so that whereas
even if than wherever even though
that that while
The most common subordinating connectors are:
After - later than the time that : later than when.
Example: “Call me after you arrive at work”
Although - despite the fact that : used to introduce a fact that makes another fact unusual or surprising.
Example: “Although she was tired, she couldn’t sleep”
As - used to introduce a statement which indicates that something being mentioned was known, expected, etc.
Example: “As we explained last class, coordinating conjunctions are sentence connectors”
Because - for the reason that.
Example: “I painted the house because it was a horrible colour”
Before - earlier than the time that : earlier than when.
Example: “Come and visit me before you leave”
How - in what manner or way.
Example: “Let me show you how to knit”
If -used to talk about the result or effect of something that may happen or be true.
Example: “It would be fantastic if you could come to the party”
Once - at the moment when : as soon as.
Example: “Once you’ve learnt how to cycle, it’s very easy”
Since - used to introduce a statement that explains the reason for another statement.
Example: “Since you’ve studied so well, you can go outside and play”
Than - used to introduce the second or last of two or more things or people that are being compared — used with the comparative form of an adjective or adverb.
Example: “My sister is older than I am”
That - used to introduce a clause that states a reason or purpose.
Example: “Olivia is so happy that it’s summer again”
When - at or during the time that something happened.
Example: “A teacher is good when he inspires his students”
Where - at or in the place that something happened.
Example: “We went to the bar where there most shade”
Whether -used to indicate choices or possibilities.
Example: “Bruno wasn’t sure whether to go to India or Thailand”
While - during the time that something happened”
Example: “While we were in Paris, it snowed”
Until - up to the time or point that something happened”
Example: “We stayed up talking until the sun came up”


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